Thursday 29 September 2011

Teen Age Skin Beauty Tips

Skin Care Tips for Girls
Master The Basics
if you want to prepare a smooth canvas for your makeup, you should always start off with clean, moisturized skin.
1. Keep your skin free from oil by using cleanser in the morning and at night. When cleansing your face, do so fluently in upward motion stokes – do not tug, pull or scrub too hard to prevent irritation.
2. You can fresh up your skin with a toner containing that ingredient which suits to your skin type.
3. Your skin and keep it hydrated with a moisturizer that is compatible with your skin type. You will make sure that your daytime moisturizer contains SPF to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
4. You can do home-facial 2 to 3 times a week. Use a mild cleanser, and then exfoliate with a fluent scrub that contains exfoliants which are round and non-abrasive.
5. Apply a facial mask after exfoliating. Rinse off thoroughly and get a good night’s sleep!
Hint : Even when you’re steering clear of the sun, or it appears to be a cloudy day, always be sure your makeup foundation or moisturizer contains SPF 15 or higher.


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